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Woman in Church Pews

About Us

Our desire is to see churches planted throughout the country and to provide hope and healing for exploited individuals.

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The Main Idea

We need hope in order to walk in faith and to love those who seem to be unlovable.

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Vision Statement

That everyone in the Dominican Republic would personally encounter God thus highlighting their destiny and producing an atmosphere that is filled with faith, hope and love.

Image by Debby Hudson

Mission Statement

We commit to assist Dominican churches in equipping them for ministry and to provide safety and restoration for abused and exploited minors.

Our Values

1. Christ centered-we believe that human services without Christ simply feed the body while neglecting the essence of man’s spirit. We as ministry leaders fail when we don’t give those we serve the opportunity to know Christ and to grow in Him.

2. Integrity-we believe that high morals and godly standards ought to be lived in all we do. Honesty and soundness of ideas must be filtering agents for all projects.

3. Collectivism-we believe that a focus on the group as a whole is more valuable than a focus on self.

4. Equality-we believe that each ministry member brings value, talent, skills and resources to this ministry, regardless of their job function.

5. Empowerment-we believe that leaders should be ready to listen to the ideas of those we serve and lead. These ideas must be filtered by God’s word and the ministry’s plan. As these ideas are implemented, those we serve will flourish in God’s call for their own lives.

6. Servanthood-we believe that Christ commands us to serve those who would be considered the least in our society. As they are equipped then sent to equip others, societies will be transformed.

7. Families-we believe that strong families make up strong communities. Our intent is to boost the well-being of families as we provide safe havens for orphans, abandoned and abused children. We also accomplish this goal through church plants and discipleship.

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